Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What does it mean to be customer obsessed?

Many companies claim to be customer oriented putting this term in their catch phrases, logos, and in marketing materials to later under deliver and over promise.  This leaves the customer unable to trust the stores and vendors and also leaving a bad taste in their mouths on the entire experience.

Since the beginning, we’ve had one common goal in mind and that’s to become one of the best in service and products and to always take care of our customers!  As many of you know, our President & CEO has an open door policy, not just with her employees but with our customers as well.  Her calendar is constantly booked (sometimes overbooked) with countless meetings.  No, not board meetings or executive sessions, but with visits to our customers, lunches with IT Directors, office managers, administrators, and sometimes the entire staff!  And please understand, these meetings aren’t just regarding their accounts, she is interested in their business, their families, and sharing a laugh or two, or six!

FarraTech and its employees are that special “needle in a haystack” that aren’t solely concerned with the business side of things; we are concerned with the actual customer!  Some of the things extraordinary we have done for our customers include:
·         Attending birthday party for a customer’s daughter
·         Sending flowers for a customer who had surgery
·         Buying a “just because” lunch for an entire staff
·         Sending goodie bags
·         Hand delivering holiday baskets
·         Conducting onsite inventory for some of our larger customers to save the time of having to do this themselves
·         Picking up a printer after hours on our way home to evaluate for service

As you can see by just SOME of the things we’ve done above, the phrase “Customer Obsessed” is not just a phrase but a way of life for the FarraTech team!  We are dedicated to improving even this level of “awesomeness” by offering these additional benefits to our customers:
·         Online ordering
·         Customer Appreciation Awards
·         Recognition for helping us save the environment
·         Top notch response times and superior service

Now I ask you, isn’t this the type of company you want to handle your business? 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Avoid hidden costs when buying a printer!

Avoid hidden costs when purchasing a printer: Many of you may be in the market for a new printer or have already purchased one only to be shocked by the cost of supplies or unable to find good service. Here are a few tips to assist you in selecting the right machine for your company's needs:

Features-consider your office needs/use when determining which feature you should shop for. (Will I be printing in black/white or color, how often will I print and how many pages, do I print mostly text or graphics)

Cost of Supplies - As a consumer you deserve to have a choice of supplies and suppliers. If saving $$$ is more important, you may want to consider equipment that presents the least restrictions and support companies that can handle all of your needs.

Availability of service-Don't underestimate the importance of knowing what service and parts are available and where your local service center is.

The best option is to discuss your needs with your service and/or supplies provider BEFORE you buy.  FarraTech is your One-Stop source for all this and more!  By contacting a FarraTech representative, we can guide you down the right path in determining what, exactly, each printer offers and what’s the best solution for your company.

Contact a FarraTech rep today for more info!

Some facts about buying remanufactured toner cartridges!

An office of 20 with two printers can spend $3,260 per year on printer cartridges, and remanufactured cartridges can save that office as much as $950 per year in costs!

Many companies are reluctant to buy remanufactured cartridges because of the fear of damage to their printer as well as poor quality.  Some of the (OEM) companies will try to frighten you into buying only their brand. 

Here are some Myths and facts about remanufactured cartridges that sets the record straight:

Myth 1: Using a remanufactured cartridge will void my warranty or damage my printer.

Fact 1: It is very unlikely that a problem with your printer equipment would stem from the cartridge.  Remanufacturing companies are so certain that the cartridge will not cause damage that they will frequently offer to repair and problems caused directly by their cartridge free of charge.  FarraTech is one of these companies that offers that guarantee on our branded toner.  This is proof we BELIEVE in our product.

Myth 2: A cartridge that is not made by the printer manufacturer will provide lower quality printed images.

Fact 2: As with any product, various quality levels can and do exist.  But that does not mean only the printer manufacturer's cartridges can provide the quality you require.  Many remanufactured products conform to high quality standards and provide quality that matches or exceeds consumer's expectations.  With a proven track record of providing quality products, FarraTech has the superior level your company expects.  Try us out for yourself and see why so many have chosen FarraTech branded products!

Myth 3: Remanufacturing is a little industry, with work being done in small garages.

Fact 3: Though humble in the beginning, remanufacturing companies now employ thousands of industrial, mechanical, and chemical engineers.  Many companies also operate in state-of-the-cart facilities.  FarraTech is also one of the remanufacturing companies with a huge operating system and facility.  With over 6,000 sq ft of industrial space, distribution centers in several other states, and a highly skilled and trained customer relations and service department, we are positive we have the tools needed to get the job done!

We've only touched base a few of the myths that haunt our industry but we are working hard to prove the false rumors to be nothing but a ploy.  Like most remanufacturing companies, FarraTech is a small, employee owned company who is "Customer Obsessed" and eager to please.  Our commitment to your company is that we will provide the best people, awesome service, and quality products your company deserves.  We want to be your toner team!